Break Up Spell to Send Anyone Away From You


Are you irritated by someone’s company ?? It might be your friend, relative, crush, follower, neighbor or anyone whom you don’t want but destiny force you to keep him/her with you unwillingly. Handle this situation by using the breakup spell to send anyone away from you.

Break Up Spell to Send Anyone Away From You

Material Required for Casting the Spell :-

1. A black candle


2. A pin


3. Paper


4. Black pen


5. Honey


6. Knife


Note: It is better if you find a candle representing a figure of male or female. Remember, if you are casting the spell for man, the candle image should be a male or if you doing so for a female then choose the respective candle image.


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Method of Casting Spell :-


1. Take a candle or write the name of the person on its front as well as on backside with the help of a pin.


2. Take the piece of paper and write following words with the help of black pen :


“ From Now On, (Person Full Name) Will Say Nothing But Sweet Words About Me and To Me. By The Power of Aradia, So Mote It Be ”


3. Put one drop of honey in the center of the paper and roll it into a ball shape.


4. Heat the knife and create a gash in the candle’s mouth.


5. Stuff the paper ball in the gash with the help of a pin.


6. For the next nine nights, you need to light up the candle for at least nine minutes. Collect the other material into a packet and throw into the flowing water.


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7. Take the drippings of the candles and sprinkle it in the way where that person is used to go usually.


Precaution While Casting the Spell :-


1. This spell is one of the lengthy processes that runs for fourteen days, the caster is required to keep it secret and maintain the patience.


2. Once you have thrown the remnants, don’t look back.


3. Right pronunciation of spell is most important for the spell caster.


When the Spells Would Work :-


The initial fourteen days are required, however, the better result you will find within the next five days after those fourteen days.


Effective Time to Cast the Spell :-


The spell is required to be done during the fourteen days period meanwhile the moon shrinks from full to new. It is the most effective time to get a positive result.


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Cast Break-up Spells 

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